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This is a user manual for Zene version 1. The manual is intended for users who want to learn more about Zene and how to use it.

Zene is an AI-powered platform that simplifies how machines "see" and act upon visual information. It's an all-in-one solution for computer vision tasks in all sectors, seamlessly bridging the gap between cameras, data processing, and smart device control.

Some key features of Zene include:

  • Deep learning technology: Zene utilises powerful deep learning techniques to provide accurate and reliable computer vision solutions.
  • Support for popular machine learning frameworks: Zene is compatible with various machine learning frameworks, allowing users to leverage existing tools and libraries.
  • Drag-and-drop tool flow: Users can create custom computer vision solutions by simply dragging and dropping elements into their workflow.
  • No-code interface: Zene offers a no-code interface, making it easy for users to customise their workflows with advanced conditional statements and automate processes.
  • Remote user interface: Users can control Zene from any location with the remote user interface.
  • Hardware accelerator support: Zene ensures fast automation processes by supporting hardware accelerators.
  • Various camera inputs and communication protocols: Zene offers seamless connectivity and scalability by supporting different camera inputs and communication protocols.


AbbreviationsDefinitionUseful links
AIArtificial intelligenceWikipedia
IoTInternet of thingsWikipedia
OSOperating systemWikipedia
CPUCentral processing unitWikipedia
GPUGraphics processing unitWikipedia
VRAMVideo random-access memoryWikipedia
RAMRandom-access memoryWikipedia
fpsFrames per secondWikipedia
HSVHue, saturation, valueWikipedia
RGBRed, green, blueWikipedia
BGRBlue, green, redWikipedia
USBUniversal serial busWikipedia
UARTUniversal asynchronous receiver-transmitterWikipedia
HTTPHypertext transfer protocolWikipedia
HTTPSHypertext transfer protocol secureWikipedia
SSLSecure sockets layerWikipedia
TCPTransmission control protocolWikipedia
IPInternet protocolWikipedia
EULAEnd-user license agreementWikipedia
APIApplication programming interfaceWikipedia
ODBCOpen database connectivityWikipedia
DBMSDatabase management systemWikipedia
SQLStructured Query LanguageWikipedia
JSONJavaScript object notationWikipedia
XMLExtensible markup languageWikipedia
CSVComma-separated valuesWikipedia
HASSHome AssistantWikipedia
RoIRegion of interestWikipedia

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